Legal Studies Tutoring

Hi All,

This year I am offering my services as a tutor. I finished year 12 in 2013 and have just begun studing a Law and Commerce double degree at Monash University. Over the two years I completed my VCE I studied English, Legal Studies, History: Revolutions, Methods, Physics and French.  All of the scores that I got were 40 or above. Primarily, I am offering tutoring in Legal (50) , Physics (42) and English (44).

I live in the south east of Melbourne, postcode 3807. I am available for private tutoring sessions in the local area. I am also willing to travel into the city and meet at the State Library for sessions on weekends or perhaps weekdays as per our arrangment.  I will be offering private hour long one-on-one tutoring sessions as well as group sessions with a max of 3 people (at a discounted price). So if you and some friends are looking for a bit of help from a high scoring vce student get in touch. Please use the contact me form at the bottom of the page on the resources tab or email me at with your name and location and we can negotiate prices.

Thanks very much,

Jordan B


A new year

Hi to the 2014 class of Legal Studies students,

Im sorry for my hiatus this far this year. I resolved to relax for as long as possible, but now the year is at full swing for you and for me.

I intend to continue the maintence of this blog to do the most I can to help. I will largely be refreshing and reposting the information from the same time last year to bring the relevant information to the fore. However if you are slightly ahead (or I am operating behind) ou can always use the index and contents as a means to find whats relevant for you.

Under the resources tab there is a host of notes and essays i wrote during my year of Legal Studies fun. In addition I am offering tutoring for Legal and a number of other subjects. Information about this to follow.

I wish you the best for the upcoming year and I hope it has started as well for you as it has for me.

Stay tuned,