A new year

Hi to the 2014 class of Legal Studies students,

Im sorry for my hiatus this far this year. I resolved to relax for as long as possible, but now the year is at full swing for you and for me.

I intend to continue the maintence of this blog to do the most I can to help. I will largely be refreshing and reposting the information from the same time last year to bring the relevant information to the fore. However if you are slightly ahead (or I am operating behind) ou can always use the index and contents as a means to find whats relevant for you.

Under the resources tab there is a host of notes and essays i wrote during my year of Legal Studies fun. In addition I am offering tutoring for Legal and a number of other subjects. Information about this to follow.

I wish you the best for the upcoming year and I hope it has started as well for you as it has for me.

Stay tuned,